Dear Parents,
It is a coincidence that the Human rights day and the World Aids day are so close together, however, we can also read it as a strong indication that these items are connected, and I am particularly proud that our students do not only see this connection but are also acting to fight the disease, because they see that the right to survive is a human right, and whole generations are deprived of this right. By today, our Y9 students have raised more than 5240 Euros, being very creative and persistent at the same time, and are amongst the top schools in the Netherlands with this result.
During the days of the Copenhagen Summit, our attention is drawn to the fact that sustainable living is a necessary attitude and a skill for the future. It is great to see that so many families use bikes to get to school, but there is also a daily traffic jam around ISH, indicating that (for a variety of –probably good- reasons) not everybody is yet in a position to minimize their carbon-footprint. Aspects of sustainability will form a strong part of the next strategic plan for the ISH, and parents will be invited (like all stakeholders) to provide their input, in the new year. So if you have this brilliant idea how to make ISH a “green” school, come and share it with us.
This is the time of the major celebrations in many cultures and religions: Eid al-Adha and Diwali are just over , so is the inevitable Sinterklaas, Channuka first candle begins this Friday and Christmas in two weeks – if you are celebrating any of these but also if you just take these days as opportunities for family gatherings and reflection, our best wishes here from the ISH are with you.
For the coming year, we ask for your continued support, so we in return can support your children in the best possible ways.
Health and good luck for 2010 from all of the ISH staff!

Peter Kotrc