'RELISH' Visual Arts Workshop

September 14 - 15, 2009  

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The International Artist from The Hague Aris De Bakker introduced 15 Year 13 students to the technique of making wax objects cast from real objects.

With ‘Food for Thought’ being our Visual Arts Department theme this year we decided to work with the Harvest Festival idea. The students brought in aspects of food which were used in the mould making process.

The Conference Room provided the location for a full hands-on experience providing the students with little time to think and ponder.

This workshop is intended to kick start the year with an intensive creative experience to get the students back into the mode of things and to make them aware of the expectations during the coming months.

The finished artwork from the Relish workshop will be on display in the Heritage Area later in October when the nights begin to draw in and lighting is favourable.

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