

Dear Parents,

Though the school year just started about three weeks ago, we have already a lot to share with you in this newsletter. All 18 new staff members are well settled, have followed our extensive induction program and we are very proud that we do have a complete staff.

Gaps in the younger students’ timetables will be closed by supervised study hall as of next week. We nevertheless need to remind you that we cannot provide teachers to control the building  and guarantee safety once the day for students is over – we expect every student to leave unless he/she is waiting in the designated area behind the reception for an after-school activity or for parents to pick him/her up.

IB MYP certificates/Records of achievement were handed out last Thursday in a festive ceremony. This edition, however, is partly dedicated to our IB DP graduates, models of success not only for the younger students but in some of their individual achievements, also for us adults.

As part of an holistic education concept, we try to leave the class room as often as it makes sense and provides better learning opportunities. Y8 were out last week, and Y9 will go on their camp soon. I am grateful that we can find enough dedicated teachers to spend these four intensive days with them – from experience I do know that this requires true dedication.

This autumn, one focus of our mentor programs will be the prevention of drug abuse, including alcohol and smoking. Please earmark already the 15th of October as a platform evening for parents on this topic. More details in this issue.

With best wishes,


Peter Kotrc