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ISH Welcome Back Picnic

Date: Sunday, September 27th
Time: 11:00-15:00

Where: At the International School of The Hague
in the Glass House and the Plaza

Please bring a dish for 8-10 people to share!
Drinks will be sold by the student council.

Be ready for fun and games!
Brought to you by the ISH PA and the ISH PTA

You are cordially invited to the Information Fair

In and around ISH

Tuesday October 6th
between 17:00-20:00
at the International School of The Hague
Wijndaelerduin 1, The Hague (Kijkduin)

The Parent Association of The International School of The Hague is organising an Information Fair in our beautiful new building at Kijkduin.
Our main purpose is to inform our families of the many organisations in The Hague.
This is neither a fundraising nor retailing event.

The information includes:
>after school activities for the secondary school (sports, choir, orchestra...)
>adult activities organised by the PA and PTA (netball, volleyball...)
>workshops on painting Delfts Blue, Cooking Classes, painting classes....
>art lectures

Organisations in The Hague such as IWC, St Cecilia Choit, English Theatre, Dyslexia Parent Support Group, Football Club, Powertalk....*

All welcoming the International Community to their activities.

Hope to see you at school!

* this list is not yet complete


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27 Sep - Welcome back Picnic

between 11:00 and 15:00 at ISH

29 Sep - Year 7 Coffee morning

at 11:00 at Gember restaurant

1 Oct - Year 12 Parents meeting - at 20:00 at Margaret Boelen's house
1 Oct - Year13 Parents meeting - at ISH
1 Oct - Ladies night

6 Oct - Information market

between 17:00-20:00 at ISH

6 Oct - Year 8 drinks

at 20:00 at ISH

10 Oct - Couples night out
12 Oct - Year 8 - Coffee morning between 10:30 to 12:30 at Statelaan