Michelle Kretsch  





The ECIS award of International Understanding should go to a person who is "a good representative of his/her own country, with a positive attitude toward the life and culture of others, able to converse in at least two languages". The whole Year Group could receive the Award as a prize (especially the 46 who hold bilingual diplomas). But more is asked for: "the student should be a contributing force in the life of the school, with the ability to bring differing people together into a sense of community, thus furthering the cause of international understanding."

A prize can only be given to an individual, though team work in the class of 2009 was extraordinary. Gratitude can be expressed to the members of the outgoing student council who are Tamar Bol, Merel Valk, Giulia Moretti, Alexandre Mavrocordatos, Tiree Macleod-Nolan, and Kathryn Boyd, the chair.

Congratulations though go to Michelle Kretsch who has contributed to our school community in many ways: as member of the Student Council, as Secretary General at MUNISH and as part of the Stunt Day committee for our Year 13.  Being the Secretary General at MUNISH, Michelle showed great organizational skills and leadership. So much so, that Mrs. McCluskey still stands in admiration when she talks about this. Being such a key player in the school’s MUN event, she truly fostered international understanding. As a member of the student council she contributed to a team which gave a voice to student concerns.

Michelle not only took part but then sought to improve student representation further. She was instrumental in a reform of the student council, which future generations of ISH students will benefit from. Michelle has left something behind that will change community life at ISH and foster understanding in the future.  

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