Anja Rackwitz  




Special Achievement Award.

If any of you have been reading the local news media over the past few months you will have seen lots of stories of tourists getting in difficulties swimming in the sea around here and they have been saved by the lifeguards. This student gives up her time to serve as a lifeguard and was involved in at least one life saving situation. Click here for one article review. The special achievement award goes to her. Congratulations go to
Anja Rackwitz.

There are many students from the class of 2009 who performed to their potential, overcame obstacles and contributed to the school in more ways than just attending lessons. A brief insight into student activies includes the following:

~ISH designs, produces ,edits  and prints a magazine of creative writing three times a year with Editor in chief: Hans.  Mrs Marinus writes "Things will not quite be the same without Hans, Vincent, Myrte, Libby, Charlotte P. and Maurits. We are already missing: Vincent’s challenges and Han’s angry production e-mails and brilliant one-liners. Last year ISH also participated in the production of a full-colour newspaper in one day for an international competition. This year we were highly commended. Hans was the technical editor with Libby, Charlotte Pimm, Sam, Elinor & Chiara  all involved once again. Their know-how from the previous year certainly helped the new Y12 team and the result of the whole day is a 2-3 weekly edition of ISHnews by students for students-a super legacy."

~ISH also entered two students for an international Public Speaking award, Chiara and Sam, with Sam making it all the way to the final.

~The following were on MUNISH Board of Directors: Michele, Ashley, Sam, Chiara, Bente, Tummas Tamar Kathryn Joanna and Elinor. A special mention for Tummas who took on the Business Manager position – a new role – and did a super job - and for Ana Rodriguez who was not on the Board but gave up time to support the Board and was fantastic during the weekend itself.

~Two students completed  the Leiden PRE-University College. It was quite an achievement to finish a two-year honours college alongside completing the IB  diploma. So well done to Lavinia and Maurits.

~Finally it is generally accepted that this year’s stunt day (end of lessons day) was the best and most responsibly organized ever with teachers enjoying themselves. The same group of students also pioneered the farewell celebration held very successfully in June. That event is of great importance to all those students in Year 13 not able to attend the Graduation Ceremony.


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