Graduation Ceremony ISH SPORTS AWARD
Caroline Star  


Everyone has helped make ISH a 'school to watch out for', according to Athletic Directors of other ISST schools. One particular student has participated in five ISST tournaments, won three medals and was chosen twice in the all tournament team. She was captain of the Hockey team, being a great leader, encouraging her team to be there every training (in the rain or the hail) leading a very disciplined warming up and giving her 100% every game. She showed a great respect for the opposite team and the umpires and she was a role model for the young girls in the team. ISH is very proud to present the Athletic Achievement Award to Caroline Star.

The class of 2009 when they were in Year 9 participated in the first ISST of our school history: hockey. Six girls at the Graduation Ceremony were part of that team. They did not have enough players and had to chase students. If they could hold a hockey stick with two hands and run they were in the team. They met together one week before the tournament and still did pretty good. Participation in this tournament was very important for our athletic programs development as it opened the doors of ISST to our school. Now we can be proud to say that we have five teams representing our school in ISST. Basketball (boys and girls), football (boys and girls), Hockey and we also have a very competitive volleyball team. We have achieved 2 Bronze medals and 2 silver medals.
Two years ago we hosted our first ISST Basketball boys. The class of 2009 then in Year 11, a very young team, inexperienced, and although coming last, fighting every match till the end.
Two years later almost the same group of boys with two more years of experience came to the final and were promoted to the First division.

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