Introduction to new staff 2009-2010

Mila Alexandrov   Mila

My name is Mila Alexandrov. I was born and educated in Bulgaria but I am an Austrian citizen and now it is my pleasure to live in The Netherlands.
I have worked as a Science and Biology teacher in many different and beautiful places - Malta, the Bahamas and Austria. Along with my teaching responsibilities I have also been a second to the head of the Science department, Head of Science, Year Leader and currently at ISH, I am a PSHE Mentor Program Coordinator.
I love teaching and enjoy working with and supporting my students to do well.  I like outdoor sports like running, skiing, hiking and mountain biking. I enjoy challenges and I am very much looking forward to being part of the ISH community. I feel honored to work in a school with such a friendly, positive, inspiring and supportive atmosphere.

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