ISH Platform Evening, October 15, 2009
Prevention of alcohol and drug abuse amongst teenagers  


Parnassia is an organization which deals with both campaigning for the prevention of alcohol and drug abuse amongst teenagers and rehabilitation for teenagers.

Education being our business it is important both students and parents are aware of the dangers of alchohol and drug abuse amongst the youth of today. Every parent wishes to prevent their child being exposed to these dangers and as a parent you are best placed to do this. It helps to know some background to the issue and to know that the school's personal, social and health education provision aims to be aware and help too if there are any problems.

As part of the Dutch Healthy School Project, ISH warmly welcomes you to an information evening on this topic on Thursday October 15, 2009 from 19:00-21:00 in the ISH conference room, where specialist speaker Anne Bijleveld is invited to hold a presentation. Anne Bijleveld works for the Parnassia Group and should you have any questions regarding the information evening or the Dutch Healthy School Project, please do not hesitate to contact her.

Anne Bijleveld is an official in the campaign for prevention working for the Parnassia Bavo Groep
Lijnbaan 4 2512 VA Den Haag
Tel : 070 391 78 85

E-mail :  

Some suggestions for help and support in the local area are:

~ ISH Counselling:
Pauline Kam on
Tanja Culjak on
~Childline in the Netherlands: Phone 0800 0432 (no charge)
or chat online with

For more online information:

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