International Community Centre

Plans for 'The Hungry Mind'  


In case you would like to get involved or feel you can add something (offer a course, give a lecture or teach a sports activity) to this community project or if you can help us in any of the fields detailed,, please get in touch with:
Petra Brekelmans, 06-30494880/070-4040484 or send an e-mail to:

A team of enthusiastic people, International School of the Hague management and initiator Petra Brekelmans, have keen plans to start up a community centre/clubhouse behind the International School of The Hag ue. The idea is to open a non-profit centre, with a low threshold where people from our international and local community can meet, do sports and activities, exchange experiences and share communal interests, and could possibly have an overflow function to our school.

In The Hungry Mind community centre café, we would like to offer a wide variety of arts and craft/sports activities, courses and lectures, for a wide variety of needs and interests at affordable prices. Different companies/organisations will offer a variety of activities, courses etc on offer in our centre. A weekly activity calendar will be available for you to pick and choose from.

The Stichting The Hungry Mind behind this idea, is a ‘not for profit’ organisation, which would like to improve integration and communication in the Loosduinen/Kijkduin area of The Hague.
The money made by the activities will be put back into our community centre facilities, with which we will gradually raise our standards and needs in the future.

The venue we are currently looking at is behind our school: the complex of Texas football club. We are putting plans together to upgrade and renovate the canteen and changing rooms: refresh it and make it a multi functional centre, where all people of the community are welcome!

We are very much in the developmental stage of our project. Currently we are looking for people in our community who are knowledgable in the following fields:

marketing and PR (for promotion of our new concept)
IT (web design and maintenance)
Financial controller/accountant
Person with expertise in filling out funding requests

To a happy future for all; in and around the International School of The Hague!

More news will follow soon!

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