Exciting Dutch Reading contest

November 27, 2009





All candidates received a certificate as a memory of their brave participation. The jury admired our students, you had the courage to read out loud in front of many unknown people! We are proud of all candidates! Pictures have been taken (keep an eye on the “ Plaza-movie”) and we went home very satisfied and happy with the performance of the contestants. Thanks for participating Vera, Magdalena, Julia, Reena and Abichael and the 3 winners, it was a wonderful afternoon and the jury enjoyed every minute!

On Friday 27 November 2009 there was a Dutch reading contest between year 6 and 7 in the primary library. Eight pupils fought for the final place, four participants from the primary school and four from the secondary school. Even non-native students were combating for the top, which is worth a compliment. The jury was impressed by the high level!
All of them had to give a short introduction to their most beloved book, selected by themselves, and had to read out loud a part they had prepared. They were given five minutes: the hour-glass was relentless! The order of presentation was chosen at random. Parents, brothers and sisters were watching, listening and you couldn’t hear anything else but the voice of the contestant. Thanks to all of you for listening so carefully!
The candidates imitated the voices of the novel characters very well and sometimes it seemed as if these novel figures were brought to life, people of real flesh and blood, sitting next to us on the chair …….
And then there was a break. Sinterklaas had dropped sweets and drinks on the tables and after the refreshments these brave combatants had to perform the hardest part of the contest: reading out loud an unprepared part of a thrilling story about poachers. This was very difficult, because nobody had ever seen the text before. All eight candidates had to read out loud one page of the blood-curding novel…. After 8 pages of loud reading we had a good impression of the adventures of young Arjan, son of the head customs-officer.
The jury, where we could also find the winner of 2007 Liselotte de Zeeuw, had paid attention to fluency of reading, intonation of the voice and most important, self-confidence of the participant. Did the public understand what the reader’s point was? You must realize, that the finalist has to read out loud in front of an auditorium of more than 100-150 people in January 2010….

Everybody did his utmost, even more than that, but we all know that finally only 1 participant can win: this year’s winner was Alexander van Eijk (year 7), he got an award and a book-token. Isobel Bowring (year 6) won the second prize (a certificate and a book-token) and Tim Kaasjager (year 7) won the third prize (a certificate and of course also a book-token).

Jeanette Halie, Teacher secondary school

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